Institutional Strengthening of Gram Panchayats (ISGP) Program

Panchayats & Rural Development Department, Government of West Bengal


Component3: Key Program Activities (KPA)


i. Performance Based Grants to GPs

The Performance-Based Grants (PBGs) will be allocated to all 3,342 GPs, wherein IBRD funding will contribute to the financing of the PBG to the new category of 2,342 GPs; PBGs for the old category of 1000 GPs (which were previously covered by ISGPP I) will be financed entirely by the State and Central Government funding (100% State Finance Commission & 10% Performance Grants - Central Finance Commission). The program expenditure framework based on activities planned for ISGPP –II has been attached as Annexure 10 in Volume II of POM.

Overview of Funding for PBG from 2017-18 to 2021-22(INR crore)

Funding Source All GPs New GPs (2342) Old GPs (1000)
Performance Based Grants 4411.95 3080.07 1331.88
IBRD (DLI-based funding) 933.32 933.32 -
Total Government funding 3478.63 2146.75 1331.88
CFC (10 % PG) (APA linked funding) 2447.05 1738.81 708.25
SFC (100%) (APA linked funding) 1031.58 407.94 623.64

* Program Appraisal Document (January 2017)

ii. Program management, coordination and monitoring

The overall program management will be the responsibility of the P&RDD. The day to day activities, monitoringsupervision and periodical reporting will be managed through ISGPP Cell. ISGPP Cell will implement the program with the support of district coordination units for ISGPP-II and district administration. District Coordination Units (DCUs) will be responsible for planning, implementation and monitoring of all activities of the program that will be executed by GPs. The Program will be implemented using the existing government systems and the current intergovernment architecture, including the main features of intergovernmental fiscal transfer system, as set up under ISGPP-I. Existing systems will be further strengthened to meet the objectives of the ISGPP-II program as necessary.

At the apex level, there will be an inter-departmental Program Steering Committee (PSC) that will review the overall implementation and achievements of the program. PSC will review all the Disbursement Linked Verification reports that will be submitted by independent verification agency.

Detailed institutional arrangements, role of executive support agencies like the Examiner of Local Accounts, STARPARD, BRAIPRD, and other private agencies, is elaborated in the chapter on Institutional Arrangements (refer to Chapter 6 of Volume I) . Detailed institutional arrangements for monitoring and reporting of DLIs, Results Indicators and overall program reporting is elaborated in the chapter on Monitoring and Evaluation (refer to Chapter 7 of Volume I)

iii. Focused mentoring support for strengthening GP functioning

Provision of mentoring inputs to the GP staff forms the core of the capacity building initiatives planned during phase II. Mentoring teams will provide support to all GPs in the 19 districts and Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad (SMP) with on-the-job support and demand-driven capacity building for core GP functions. This includes subjects like planning, procurement, financial management, and IT. This is expansion of the mentoring support module provided during ISGPP-I. During phase-II, the mentoring teams comprising of 4 mentors will be assigned to each GP. Mentoring inputs from these teams will continue to be coordinated and supervised by DCUs. For monitoring of capacity building activities, performance of mentors will also be assessed on an annual basis. The plan regarding hiring and deployment of mentors along with the monitoring arrangements for mentoring activity for ISGPP –II are discussed in the capacity building section of Volume I(Refer to Chapter 4).

iv. Formal learning and trainings for the GPs

One of the primary activities as part of capacity building initiative is formal learning and trainings for the officials and representatives from the PRIs. Formal learning and trainings for GPs will be delivered through district level planning and execution process. A demand driven approach will be adopted towards formal training and learning. District wise training need assessment will be performed and the needs will be identified on priority basis and accordingly training sessions will be provided to GPs with the skills and knowledge they need in order to access performance-based grants and to deliver more and higher quality public goods and services. District level learning and training committee will be executing the training events under the supervision of DPRDO through AEO. District learning/training plans will be consolidated by the ISGPP cell. The deployment plan of trainers and monitoring arrangements are elaborated in the section pertaining to capacity building framework of POM. (Refer to Chapter 4)

v. Institutional systems development and roll-out for improving local governance

The system development initiatives introduced, piloted, tested, and institutionalized in the ISGPP-I will be rolled out to the new category of GPs that are being brought under the ISGPP-II.

Currently Gram Panchayats covered under ISGPP-I are using Web Based Monitoring System (WBMS), Geographic Information System (GIS) and Gram Panchayats Monitoring System (GPMS).During ISGPP-II, initiatives will be taken towards implementation of seamless integration of the existing systems, i.e. integration of GPMS, WBMS and GIS into a single window.

In addition to the roll out and integration of the existing system development initiatives, the system of Grievance Redressal Mechanism System(GRMS) for management of complaints by citizens on the implementation of projects by Gram Panchayats will be introduced. Moreover, with the purpose of smooth and speedy exchange of information and interaction on various development issues, a two ways interactive mode of communication, through establishment of video conferencing facilities at Gram Panchayats, district and State level, will be introduced. Refer to Chapter 5 of Volume I for details on implementation of plans related to systems rollout in all GPs during phase II.

vi. Timely completion of external audits of all GPs annually

Examiner of Local Accounts (ELA) is the statutory auditor for GPs finances. In order to complete the audit of GPs in a time bound manner so as to align it with the PBG cycle, ISGPP PMU will support ELA with additional manpower and infrastructure related support to fulfil the external audit of GPs in a timely manner. GP audit by ELA will be completed within 6 months of completion of the Financial Year (latest by September). This will enable the GPs to qualify for PBG through the APA cycle. Year wise support will be extended based on detailed discussion with ELA on the kind of support to be extended to accomplish the GP audit in a timely manner.

vii. Timely completion of APA every year

Building upon the success of providing PBG through the Annual Performance Assessment of GPs during Phase I, the design of ISGPP-II mandates timely completion of Annual Performance Assessment of 3,342 GPs every year. The Program will support the roll-out of APA for all 3,342 GPs in order to establish an integrated and harmonized performance-based grant system for all GPs. A three-element performance grant system is envisaged to recognize the contextual differences in GPs, including demographic factors as well as prior level of support. The first element will be assessed against a set of three basic minimum conditions (BMCs); the second element will be assessed against a set of two expanded minimum conditions (EMCs); and the third element will be assessed against a set of performance measures (benchmarks).

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